Q10: For Antibiotic Footprint Calculator, how do we estimate country ‘Antibiotic Footprint’ (gram per person per year)?
A: To estimate country antibiotic footprint
“from taking antibiotics” (grams per person per year), we use “the amount of tonnes of antibiotics people consume per year in a country”, which was obtained from official and open-access data published by each country. We divided this number by “the total population in the country” to estimate “the amount of grams of antibiotics each people consume per year in a country”.
To estimate individual antibiotic footprint
“from eating meat” (grams per person per year), we use “milligram of antibiotics used per kilogram PCU of meat animals (i.e. mg/PCU)”, which was obtained from official and open-access data published by each country. We multiply this number with “how many kilograms of meat each person normally consumes in a year in a country”, which was obtained from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) data, to estimate “the amount of grams of antibiotics used to raise animals for consumption by a person in a year in a country”.
The parameters used are available in the Figshare repository (
https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.16944643). For countries without official and open-access data, we impute by assuming that parameters of those countries are equal to the average of those parameters from ‘countries with official and open-access data and within similar regions and closest income levels' (except for South Asia, we used data from countries with similar income levels of East Asia & Pacific, because all countries in South Asia have no official and open-access data to estimate this parameter).